
Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013

SIMON USBORNE: Faceless drones won't solve Amazon's PR problem Ten miles in 30 minutes? - A teenager on a scooter could do that in less time

First, the suggestion that the drone story might not be a PR stunt. Really? Give it five years, Bezos says. That’s five years to work out a way to serve people who happen to live within 10 miles of an Amazon warehouse, while dealing with things like power lines, buildings, the lack of landing sites at your average flat, wind, vandalism, crashes, the risk of drone theft. Also, ten miles in 30 minutes? A teenager on a scooter could do that in less time. But then a drone doesn’t demand minimum wage (Amazon warehouse workers get a bit more). Given some of the recent coverage of the store’s pay and working conditions, its vision of an unmanned future is especially timely.

Mein Blog befasst sich in einem umfassenden Sinn mit dem Verhältnis von Wissen, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Ein besonderes Augenmerk richte ich dabei auf die Aktivitäten des Medien- und Dienstleistungskonzern Bertelsmann und der Bertelsmann Stiftung.

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