Montag, 30. September 2019

Chinese Society Studies - Tweets from September 2019 - 中国社会研究-2019年9月以来的推文

高架人行道使上海的行人能够在浦东的明珠回旋处度过。 每年大约有25万中国人死​​在路上。
#China #Chinese @NGeografic #shanghai #traffic #Pudong

An elevated walkway allow pedestrians in Shanghai to survive the Mingzhu Roundabout in Pudong. Roughly a quarter million Chinese die on the roads each year.
#China #Chinese @NGeografic #shanghai #traffic #Pudong

Shanghai had been a relatively compact industrial city of 12 million people in 1982 and has now doubled.
#China #Chinese #shanghai

China has always considered the promotion of capitalism as an aim and not as an end.
#China #Chinese #capitalism #economy #society

The mortal threat to Han China posed by the Uyghurs is not religiosity or cultural distinctiveness. It is political seperatism.
维吾尔族对汉族的致命威胁不是宗教信仰或文化特色。 这是政治分离主义。
#China #Chinese #Han #Uyghur #Uyghurs

There are 56 ethnic groups in China.
#China #Chinese #ethnic #society

Xi Jinping draws from ancient Chinese philosophy including Confucianism to seek legitimacy for his anti-corruption campaign.
#China #Chinese #XiJinping #Confucius #Corruption

#China #Chinese #XiJinping #freetrade #economy

Xi Jinping is portraying himself as the international protector of free trade because of the economic and  ideological weakness of Western democracies.
#China #Chinese #XiJinping #freetrade #economy

``一带一路''倡议是一个旨在涵盖整个世界和整个人类生活的项目。 在这方面,没有其他有组织的项目或想法可以与之抗衡。
#China #Chinese #BeltandRoad

The Belt and Road Initiative is by design a project meant to encompass the whole world and the totality of human life. No other organized project or idea can rival it in this respect.
#China #Chinese #BeltandRoad

在庆祝孙中山诞辰150周年之际,习近平引用了“人民三原则”的一段话:“如果中国繁荣,我们不仅需要恢复我们国家的地位,还需要恢复我们国家的地位, 为世界承担重大责任。“
#China #Chinese #XiJinping #SunYatsen

In November 2016, Xi Jinping quoted a passage from Sun Yat-sen's 》The Three Principles of the People《: 》If China prospers, we need not only restore the status of our nation, but also shoulder great responsibilities for the world.《
#China #Chinese #XiJinping #SunYatsen

The future economic dominance of China seems inevitable: what will that mean more strategically? Where will that leave the Americans?
中国未来在经济上的统治地位似乎是不可避免的:从战略上讲这意味着什么? 美国人将离开哪里?
#China #Chinese #economy #USA

#China #Chinese #Tibet #India #DalaiLama

With regard to China's trans-Himalayan neighbour, it is clear that despite more than 20 rounds of bilateral negotiations a permanent and mutual acceptable solution to the Sino-Indian border remains elusive.
#China #Chinese #Tibet #India #DalaiLama

As the traditional danwei system was gradually dismantled, working women lost the institutional protection afforded by the state.
#China #Chinese #society #danwei #women #privatesector #state

Evidence from urban household surveys indicates that the female–male income ratio in China decreased from 86.3% in 1988 to 76.2% in 2004.
#China #Chinese #society #inequality #genderequity

There has been a sharp rise in income inequality: the Gini coefficient  increased from 0.317 in 1978 to over 0.5 in 2012.
#China #Chinese #society #inequality #ginicoefficient

#China #Chinese #society #precariat #precarity #workingclass

In the 1980s and the 1990s when China was incorporated into the global economy and turned itself into the ‘world’s workshop’, there were more precarious jobs than in the new millennium.
#China #Chinese #society #precariat #precarity #workingclass

On 5 April 2015, a group of over 30 male taxi drivers drank pesticide in a dramatic mass suicide protest in Beijing, the capital city of China.
#China #Chinese #migration #precarity

Mein Blog befasst sich in einem umfassenden Sinn mit dem Verhältnis von Wissen, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Ein besonderes Augenmerk richte ich dabei auf die Aktivitäten des Medien- und Dienstleistungskonzern Bertelsmann und der Bertelsmann Stiftung.

Montag, 2. September 2019

Chinese Society Studies - Tweets from August 2019 - 中国社会研究 - 2019年8月的推文

For the first time since 2008, a dollar costs more than seven yuan.
#China #Chinese #economy #Dollar #CurrencyWar #PBOC

ChemChina faces $ 43 billion in debt due to the Syngenta acquisition.
#China #Chinese #economy #syngenta #ChemChina

Chinese companies hold almost 15 percent of Daimler's shares.
#China #Chinese #economy #Daimler #Germany

The Chinese investment strategy is called 》Zou chu qu《.
#China #Chinese #economy #investment #zouchuqu

Are there signs of 》terrorism《 in Hong Kong?
#China #Chinese #HongKong #Terror #terrorism

115 Chinese companies are on the Fortune 500 list.
#China #Chinese #fortune500 #economy

When will Hong Kong become an ordinary Chinese city?
#China #Chinese #HongKong #HongKongProtests #Hongkongprotest

Smog, Beijing, 2015.
#China #Chinese #Beijing #Smog #pollution

Public Space Plan for Chongqing.
#China #Chinese #socialdesign #Chongqing #publicspace

Super-Scoring? Data-driven societal technologies in China and Western-style democracies as a new challenge for education.
超级得分? 中国的数据驱动的社会技术和西方民主国家作为教育的新挑战。
#China #Chinese #digitalization #education

Joshua Wong: 》We do not seek independence, but we fight for self-determination, to determine the lifestyle and political system of Hong Kong.《
Joshua Wong:“我们不寻求独立,但我们争取自决,决定香港的生活方式和政治制度。”
#China #Chinese #HongKong #JoshuaWong @Newsweek

Mein Blog befasst sich in einem umfassenden Sinn mit dem Verhältnis von Wissen, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Ein besonderes Augenmerk richte ich dabei auf die Aktivitäten des Medien- und Dienstleistungskonzern Bertelsmann und der Bertelsmann Stiftung.