Montag, 2. Dezember 2019

Chinese Society Studies - Tweets from November 2019 - 中国社会研究-2019年11月以来的推文

上海等城市是巨大的枢纽。 它们增加了流动性,空间和能量。 不能在领土边界停留的复杂基础设施是必须的。
#China #Chinese #Shanghai #GlobalCities #infrastructure

Cities like Shanghai are huge hubs. They increase mobility, space and energy. Sophisticated infrastructures that do not stop at territorial borders are a must.
#China #Chinese #Shanghai #GobalCities #infrastructure

你想学中文吗? 或者只是了解更多关于中国文化的信息? 汉堡孔子学院为您提供各种加深对中国的了解的机会。
#China #Chinese #society #culture #confucius #Hamburg #Shanghai

You want to learn Chinese? Or just learn more about Chinese culture? The Confucius Institute Hamburg offers you a variety of opportunities to deepen your knowledge of China.
#China #Chinese #society #Culture #confucius #Hamburg #Shanghai

#China #Chinese #religion #Buddhism #Daoism #Christian

There is a clear divide between the traditionally Chinese religions (Buddhism, Daoism, folk religion) and the non-Chinese religion of Christianity, which faces restrictions because Beijing fears its foreign ties and rapid growth.
#China #religion #Buddhism #Daoism #Christian

#China #Chinese #Shanghai #education #Corruption

The education system is a centre for competition and corruption in Shanghai and China, with bribes going to teachers and pricipals to get children into the right schools and classes and to have them receive preferential treatment.
#China #Chinese #Shanghai #education #Corruption

As 》planetary powers,《China and India have taken to expanding their activities well beyond their borders in the last two decades.
#China #Chinese #India

#China #Chinese #Japan #Asia #Arctic

Results for 》China《 and 》Arctic《, 》Japan《 and 》Arctic《 and 》Asia《 and 》Arctic《 keywords for a sample of major Western media between 2000 and 2017.
#China #Chinese #Arctic #Japan #Asia

Mein Blog befasst sich in einem umfassenden Sinn mit dem Verhältnis von Wissen, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Ein besonderes Augenmerk richte ich dabei auf die Aktivitäten des Medien- und Dienstleistungskonzern Bertelsmann und der Bertelsmann Stiftung.

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