In the West, there is still the belief that exports are the main driver of the Chinese economy. In 2008, the export surplus was still around 9 percent of total economic output - in 2017 it was just 2 percent.
#China #Chinese #economy #export
在西方,人们仍然相信出口是中国经济的主要驱动力。 2008年,出口顺差仍占经济总量的9%左右-2017年仅为2%。
#China #Chinese #economy #Export
#China #Chinese #Yuan #Dollar #debt #economy
The yuan is now more than 5 percent below its dollar rate of early 2018. Debt companies thus have to earn more in China to raise interest and repayments on their foreign loans.
#China #Chinese #economy #Yuan #Dollar #debt
In 2017 and 2018, China prevented the Spanish company Repsol from mining gas fields in an economic zone claiming Vietnam.
#China #Chinese #Spain #Repsol #Vietnam #gas
In the southern part of the South China Sea, near the Spratly Islands, China has been pouring artificial islands since 2013. Today they are almost done.
#China #Chinese #SouthChinaSea #SpratlyIslands
Instead of a unipolar order, there is a system of five leaders, a "pentarchy", with the US, Europe, China, Russia and India.
#China #Chinese #USA #Europe #Russia #India #worldorder
Russia's foreign trade with China, 2000 to 2018
#China #Chinese #Russia #trade #economy Link
#China #Chinese #Russia #USA #Arctic #ClimateChange
Beijing justified China's active participation in Arctic regulation and coordination, not least with reference to the impact of Arctic climate change on the global system.
#China #Chinese #Russia #USA #Arctic #ClimateChange
In January 2018, the People's Republic of China presented a White Paper on its "Arctic Policy", which envisages the construction of a "Polar Silk Road".
#China #Chinese #Arctic #BeltandRoad
#China #Chinese #Russia #BRI #BeltandRoad #Moscow #KAZAN #railroad
As of mid-2019, the Moscow-Kazan route was still in the design phase, with the Russian and Chinese sides unable to agree on a compromise on financing conditions and a number of technological issues.
#China #Chinese #BRI #BeltandRoad #Russia #Moscow #KAZAN #railroad
俄罗斯对“一带一路”倡议的兴趣:建立新的运输和物流基础设施; 中国对高科技企业的直接投资; 中方通过投资,信贷和技术参与。
#China #Chinese #Russia #BRI #BeltandRoad
Russias interests in BRI: create a new transport and logistics infrastructure; Chinese direct investment in the creation of high-tech enterprises; Participation of the Chinese side through investments, credits and technologies.
#China #Chinese #Russia #BRI #BeltandRoad
Confucius once said, 》We all have two lives, the second one starts when you realise you only have one.《
#China #Chinese #philosophy #Confucius #Confucianism
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